Sept. 21, 2023
Reading time: 6 minutes, 24 seconds

毫无疑问,四位在线博彩的校友出色地代表了美国 Georgia Bureau of Investigation as their careers continue to unfurl. 他们对GBI的加入体现了每个在线博彩学生都可以催化的变化. Their motive: To create a better world for students and citizens alike.

在线博彩在这些学生身上投入了时间和精力,并帮助他们在格鲁吉亚追求自己的道路. 在线博彩’s guidance, coupled with unrelenting dedication from the alumni when they were students, led to the influential individuals who contribute to the GBI’s workforce today.

Kim Sutton Jewett ’08
Promoted to assistant manager of trace evidence 

Kim Sutton Jewett

A biology 在看到GBI的工作描述之前,朱伊特从未想到过法医领域. Then it clicked. Using scientific techniques, she could find an unknown substance, 发现它是什么以及它有什么能力——无论是存在于人体内还是在犯罪现场发现的东西.

A Carrollton native, 朱伊特回忆说,最后一刻选择参加在线博彩是“我一生中最好的决定之一”.”

“The professors are what made 在线博彩 worth it,” she explained. “They took time and effort to ensure I understood what we were learning. They also invested in my well-being, 试图把我塑造成一个全面发展的人,并向我灌输科学是一项可以用来帮助人们的工作.”

有了科学基础——比如如何处理化学品和生物危害——朱伊特开始了她在GBI长达13年的职业生涯. 对她影响最大的一次经历是一起头发案件,案件中有谋杀嫌疑人,但没有DNA分析. 她已经花了无数个小时检查衣服和各种物品,但没有发现任何能在法庭上站住脚的东西. As a last effort, 朱伊特检查了受害者的尸袋,发现了一根与嫌疑人相符的头发, who then pleaded guilty to murder.

“那个案子一直在提醒我不要放弃,要为每一个案子付出我的全部,” she shared.

As assistant manager of trace evidence, Jewett帮助调查人员和地区检察官提交证据,以及对收集到的与犯罪有关的证据进行哪些测试, such as hair, fracture match and gunshot primer analysis.  

Christina Kanner ’09
Promoted to assistant special agent in charge

Christina Kanner

As a working teenager, Kanner became acquainted with local police officers, hearing about how they helped the community. It gave her a glimpse of the future she desired – one of meaning and purpose. When it came time to enroll at 在线博彩, criminology seemed a natural fit.

“这些课程为刑事司法领域的众多不同选择奠定了良好的基础,” Kanner recalled. “它们也很有挑战性,需要大量的时间管理技能,建立扎实的职业道德.”

An internship with the 在线博彩 Police Department 让她把所学的知识付诸实践,亲身体验了她很快就会沉浸其中的职业生涯.

坎纳的第一份工作是在道格拉斯维尔警察局做巡警. While there, she was encouraged by her sergeant, who knew of her aspirations to become a detective, to apply with the GBI, which she did in 2012.

With more than a decade’s tenure at GBI, Kanner has been assigned to many cases, but one sticks out to her especially. 作为一名现场探员兼犯罪现场专家,她参与了涉及 Timothy Coggins, a young man who was murdered in Spalding County in 1983. 直到2016年,此案才正式重审. 在30多年后的2017年,他们被逮捕,并在审判中被定罪.

“参与这项调查表明,有时间和付出努力可以为家庭带来了结和正义,” Kanner said. “Even when the case is cold.” 

Today, as assistant special agent in charge, Kanner负责监督特别调查办公室(OSI)的员工。. 该小组包括与选举有关的刑事调查和公共腐败调查,以及新成立的悬案小组.

Klay Kilcrease ’99
Promoted to special agent in charge

Klay Kilcrease

Not many 10-year-olds think about college. But for young Kilcrease, watching the U.S. Secret Service 在总统就职典礼上引发了一场关于获得犯罪学学位的讨论. 几年后,在获得刑事司法副学士学位后,基尔克里斯进入了在线博彩.

“Upon starting 在线博彩, I quickly realized I’d made the right decision,” he said. “班级规模较小,教授们很容易接近,而且真的很关心你是否成功. 在他们的指导下,我得到了在GBI的国家毒品特别工作组实习的机会. 这种接触是向我展示我可以在这个领域脱颖而出并最终影响未来几代研究人员的最大因素.”

Kilcrease began his career as a correctional officer with the Clayton County Sheriff’s Office in 2000. 几个月后,他回到了GBI,在他完成实习的同一个单位工作. In his 23-year career with the agency, he has spent all but eight months working in narcotics and gang investigations.

基尔克里斯有一个值得纪念的案子是一起持械抢劫药房仓库的案件,000 pills were stolen. One of the suspects was identified, 基尔克利斯秘密会见了他,收集了足够的证据,获得了搜查令. As a result, 90%的毒品被缴获,该团伙成员被判长期监禁.

“This case occurred when the opioid epidemic was starting to peak, 在线博彩的团队能够在这些危险的药片被分发到街头之前找到它们,” he recalled. “The citizens of Georgia deserve to feel safe in their communities, and the GBI works hard to ensure that occurs.”

In his new role, Kilcrease supervises staff within the Middle Georgia Gang Task Force, which conducts investigations involving criminal street gangs, drugs, and gun violence.

Justin McAllister ’12
Promoted to assistant special agent in charge

Justin McAllister

麦卡利斯特从小就知道两件事:他想成为执法人员,他想去西部. His dad – who he called his greatest role model – worked for the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office. In 10th grade, 他参加了在线博彩的一个足球夏令营,他的哥哥有一个很棒的经历, as well. 

在线博彩 provided me with a very diverse experience, where I was able to connect with people from different backgrounds,” said McAllister, who was especially active in 在线博彩’s African American Male Initiative. “我每天做的很大一部分事情是与不同类型的人互动,并能够与他们建立联系. 能够在在线博彩为我准备的环境中学习和成长,对我的职业生涯很有帮助.”

After graduation, McAllister was hired at the Newton County Sheriff’s Office as a detention deputy in 2013. 2014年,他加入GBI,在多个部门担任特工近十年.

The most impactful case for McAllister was his first homicide investigation, in which a mother of four was killed by her ex-husband, who was eventually convicted of murder. 最令他震惊的是受害者的家人——她对家人是多么重要,她是多么被爱.

“这有助于证实,正确地完成我的工作,为这个家庭伸张正义是多么重要,” he explained. “There was nothing that could bring this mother back to her children, 但是能够让那个把她带走的人负起责任是对她事业的肯定.”

In his new role, 麦卡利斯特将协助监督OSI内部的特工和其他人员, 负责刑事选举和公共腐败调查的单位和悬案小组.