

在线博彩 心理学 is committed to giving students at all levels the opportunity to conduct original research in a variety of innovative subject areas.


We welcome you to participate in our ongoing labs and projects—and find the one that is right for you. Please contact the faculty listed in each subject area below to get involved in research and gain valuable experience that you can apply to future careers in psychology.




Dr. 克里斯汀Simmonds-Moore 对特殊经历进行研究, 包括意识的改变, 实验超心理学(1.e. extrasensory perception and mind-matter interactions), 主观的超自然现象, 以及超个人/精神体验. 她的项目包括心理测量学, 浮箱体验, 还有超感官知觉, in addition to ecological consciousness 还有超感官知觉. 实验室的其他成员包括 Dr. 杰克装玻璃 谁对当地民间传说进行研究.




Dr. 詹姆斯·克里斯托弗·海德 conducts narrative research that explores narrators’ experiential accounts in order to understand how they navigate the material conditions of their lives, 从这些经历中构建意义, and negotiate the psychological complexity of those meanings. He is currently supporting a group of doctoral students to construct narrative research projects that investigate narrators’ navigation and negotiation of salient historical moments. This working group is an extension of the Narrative 心理学 course (PSYC-7810B). 




The 现象学艺术集体 is an arts-based research lab launched by Dr. 尼莎古普塔 that guides 在线博彩 students to disseminate qualitative research to the public through the expressive arts for community healing, 心理教育, 社会变革. The lab teaches students a three-step process that follows the methodology of arts-based phenomenological research for public scholarship:

  • Conducting phenomenological research about people’s psychological and sociocultural experiences
  • Expressing research findings as art such as film, poetry, and paintings
  • Exploring ideas to disseminate the phenomenological art to the public to initiate therapeutic community dialogues through workshops, 放映, 展览, 和在线博彩. 




Dr. Marie-Cecile Bertau engages a group of graduate students in research around language viewed as a dialogical process that relates the interpersonal with the intrapersonal dimensions of experience. 该组织调查:

  • How different voices are lived and experienced by individuals
  • 声音如何影响意义(形式)的形成
  • How the collective or cultural voice belonging to a community’s social-cultural norms and beliefs is represented through media, 关于物体和建筑物, 通过其他人.

Besides understanding and further developing theorizing, the lab allows common analyses of language data that translate into students’ research projects.

Psychological Studies of Science and Technology (PSST!)


Psychological Studies of Science and Technology (PSST!)

Dr. 丽莎等 works with students to explore the psychological dimensions of science—science as practiced by persons—which overlaps with the philosophical study of science and with science and technology studies (STS). Student projects have included studies relating to replication, 普遍性, 模型发展的心理学, 科学中的想象, motivation for commitment to environmental science, 科学家的心理学案例研究, 心理学中的价值观, 运用理论和定性调查. 




Dr. 理查德·拉弗勒尔 works with students on research that explores the challenges veterans face as they navigate the difficulties of transitioning to civilian life after life in the military. Moral injury has been one of the most misunderstood experiences of reintegration and moves into the psychological and transpersonal framework of a soul injury. Dr. La Fleur's students help examine the lived experiences of veterans through qualitative analysis to represent those who are suffering. Future work includes exploring moral injury in groups such as first responders, healthcare workers (especially as a response to COVID-19), 以及其他高风险群体. Additionally, it would be important to take a closer look at moral injury in everyday living.




Dr. 塔里亚维纳 works with students to use ethnographic research methodologies to explore the intersections of clinical interactions, 文化传统, 政治进程, 以及生活经历. 通过阅读和制作民族志, students in this working group analyze questions about the interplay between psychiatric expertise and individual experiences of mental illness, interrogate psychiatry and psychology as social institutions, and reflect on the role of the ethnographer’s situated subjectivity in the research process.




Dr. 尼尔Korobov works with graduate students to both conduct and read discourse analytic research—critical discourse analysis and applied conversation analysis—around a range of topics that include identity, 性别, 还有浪漫的伙伴关系. 在过去的几年里, he has worked with students to explore the ways couples pursue intimacy, 连接, 在开玩笑的同时建立联系, 讲故事, 争论, 分享他们的欲望. 




Dr. 约翰L. 罗伯茨 engages with and supports graduate students in research involving existentialist orientations into experience, 意思让, 和痛苦. These inquiries draw upon historically grounded existential themes such as anxiety, 在世界, 和being-for-others, 强调他们在心理学上的外表. Such research explores intersections with other philosophical traditions, 包括后现代主义, 女权主义, and natural science understandings of psychological life. Participants discuss their own particular research projects by forming reading groups and receiving feedback on their writing processes.