需要更新您的个人信息? Here are directions on updating your personal information on file at 在线博彩.


有几种方法可以用在线博彩更改您的地址. Please review the following to determine which option fits your needs.

  1. 自助服务横幅
    • 登录到 学生自助服务 并选择“个人资料”连结. 
    • 单击“个人信息”框. 这将引导你到你的“我的个人资料”页面. Here you can view, update, or add a new address and phone number on file.
    • Next, click on the edit icon (pencil) under your current address or phone number to edit. 输入您的信息,然后点击“更新”保存. Click on the trash can to delete a current address or phone number. Click on the + Add New symbol to add a new address or phone number.
  2. To change your diploma mailing address, please complete the 毕业资料更新表格.
  3. 地址变更申请(PDF, 391K) (Permanent Address, Mailing Address, and 紧急 Contact Address).


法定名称、法定性别及社会安全号码变更表(PDF, 287K) 需要用在线博彩更改您的法定名称吗. Along with the form, valid supporting documentation must be provided. 的 following documentation is acceptable to support a legal name change:

  • 2008年1月1日或之后签发的驾驶执照;
  • 现在的你.S. 护照;
  • Recent Marriage Certificate (issued within one calendar year);
  • 社会保障卡;
  • Divorce Decree; or
  • 法院命令.


许多学生, 教师, and staff use names other than their legal first name for a variety of personal or cultural reasons. In order to better serve our campus community and in alignment with our 场所营造的战略重点, we have created the option to add a 首选名 for students, 教师, 和员工在申请大学时的表现. Preferred first names are limited to alphabetical characters, a hyphen (-) and a space. 的 University reserves the right to deny a preferred first name request if it is inappropriate in nature. Preferred first names used as misrepresentation or fraud can result in disciplinary action in accordance with University policy.

学生,教师和工作人员 can submit the 首选名 Change through Self-Service Banner under the 主菜单 - 个人信息 Link. 这将引导你到你的“我的个人资料”页面. 单击“个人信息”框开始.  Click on the edit link in the upper right corner of the Personal Details box (top box). Once you have entered your 首选名, 一定要点击“更新”保存更改.

的 首选名 是可见的 in the following systems within 24-hours once a preferred name has been updated in Banner Self-Service (Self-Service Banner):

  • Self-Service Banner - Last Name, Legal First Name (首选名). 
  • DegreeWorks or Wolf Watch (Student Legal First and 首选名 will appear; Advisor 首选名 will appear).
  • Desire2Learn/CourseDen (Preferred Name will appear in Classlist, 合法的名字将不会出现)
  • Ivanti服务经理 
  • 次世代
  • 视觉禅
  • 握手
  • Moodle


更新您的首选名 没有与自助服务横幅集成的系统,请遵照下列指示:

  • StarRez
    • 住房 & Residence Life collects student preferred first name during the application process.
    • If you did not enter a preferred name at the application stage, 您可以登录您的StarRez网站门户和更新. 请联络房屋署 & 居住生活援助. 
  • GMAIL: To update your name preference in GMAIL, please follow these steps:
    • 打开GMAIL
    • 在右上方,单击“设置”,然后查看所有设置.
    • 单击“帐户和导入”或“帐户”页签
    • 在“将邮件发送为”下,单击编辑信息.
    • 输入发送消息时要显示的名称.
    • 保存.
  • Google Account: To Update your name preference in your Google Account.
    • Under your account or icon, select manage your Google account.
    • 在左侧栏中选择个人信息
    • 选择名称,编辑,然后保存.
  • Zoom帐户:在Zoom中更新您的名称偏好
    • Log into Zoom and navigate to settings and select 'Profile' then 'Edit my Profile'
    • 点击你名字右边的“编辑”按钮
    • Edit the 'Display Name' filed to include what you would want displayed during Zoom meetings.
    • 单击该部分底部的保存.
  • Adobe:更新您在Adobe中的名称首选项
    • 登录您的Adobe帐户
    • Click your name on the top right and click Manage Account
    • 单击“帐户”下的“编辑”并更改您的名称. 保存.
  • OneUSG:更新您在OneUSG中的名称偏好
    • 登录您的OneUSG Connect帐户
    • 点击“个人资料”框.
    • 点击左侧栏中的“Name”选项卡.
    • 单击您的姓名并编辑首选姓名框. 保存.
  • Campus EMS (Reserve West): When student employees request access, the employee will complete the form and enter the desired name. 如个别学生希望预留座位, they will complete a SmartSheet form and the reservation is completed on their behalf. 的 SmartSheet field name allows you to enter your preferred name.


Systems in which Preferred Name capability is not yet available include, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  • 银行移动
  • 阿尔玛图书馆赞助人
  • EAB导航
  • LibGuides
  • Qualtrics
  • WEPA印刷

Your legal first name will remain unchanged and still show in all other university related systems. 正式的学习成绩, 成绩单, 经济援助文件, 文凭, 工资单上必须有合法的名字. 

法定性别变更,性别认同, and 人称代词


To officially change your legal sex with 在线博彩, please submit the 法定名称、法定性别及社会安全号码变更表(PDF, 287K) 以及适当的文件. 的 following documentation is acceptable to support a legal sex change: 法院命令, 驾照, other official government-issued document reflecting the requested legal sex.


学生,教师和工作人员 can submit 性别认同 through Self-Service Banner under the 主菜单 - 个人信息 Link. 这将引导你到你的“我的个人资料”页面. 单击“个人信息”框开始. Click on the edit link in the upper right corner of the Personal Details box (top box). Once you have selected your 性别认同 from the drop-down, 一定要点击“更新”保存更改. At this time, Banner does not allow the option to display gender identity on the class roster. Please disclose this information to your instructor prior to the beginning of the semester as it will not appear on the class roster. 


学生,教师和工作人员 can submit preferred 人称代词 through Self-Service Banner under the 主菜单 - 个人信息 Link. 这将引导你到你的“我的个人资料”页面. 单击“个人信息”框开始. Click on the edit link in the upper right corner of the Personal Details box (top box). Once you have selected your 人称代词 from the drop-down, 一定要点击“更新”保存更改. At this time, Banner does not allow the option to display gender identity on the class roster. Please disclose this information to your instructor prior to the beginning of the semester as it will not appear on the class roster. 


的 University of West Georgia email address will be set as your preferred email address. You may enter alternate email addresses, but for official communication from 在线博彩 your westga.Edu的电子邮件地址将被使用.

紧急 Contact, Ethnicity, 比赛, 经验丰富的分类, and Disability Status

更新你的紧急联系人种族 & 比赛, 经验丰富的分类, and Disability Status through 学生自助服务 under the 主菜单 - 个人信息 Menu. 这将引导你到你的“我的个人资料”页面.

To update your Social Security Number, please submit the 法定名称、法定性别及社会安全号码变更表(PDF, 287K) 以及适当的文件.

请访问 在线博彩的总法律顾问FERPA网页 浏览FERPA的简介, 在线博彩的目录信息列表, 及披露资料及表格.