Students in the Library

Serve, Lead, &  Protect

格鲁吉亚STEPPS是格鲁吉亚最雄心勃勃的项目之一,旨在支持格鲁吉亚公共安全工作人员和社区的成功. 在线博彩开发了这一独一无二的项目,并得到了乔治亚州惩教局的投入, Georgia Public Safety Training Center, and regional public safety leaders.

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Welcome to the Pack!

GDC employees standing outside the headquarters building for a group photo.



This program serves these major purposes:

  1. 提供优秀的和专业相关的和有竞争力的本科和研究生课程,以格鲁吉亚的公共安全劳动力;
    gdc logo
  2. 简化认证和毕业的途径,同时通过公共安全伙伴关系和协作最大限度地提高成本效率;
  3. 协助公共安全部门员工完成教育和培训要求,以获得晋升机会.


在职业生涯中接受过乔治亚邮报专业培训和其他培训的学生可以获得证书和学位的学分. 请向公民参与和公共服务部查询更多信息.

Program Opportunities

是否会为新聘用的惩教人员提供途径,让他们在GDC设施内担任非保安职位. This also serves as the foundation for a career in corrections. (More forthcoming soon.)

为那些有兴趣追求高要求职业的人提供大学途径. Nexus Degrees are for individuals who have not earned a college degree, have a degree but want to transition into a high-demand career (e.g., Information Technology, and Cybersecurity), 并且/或者需要有针对性的劳动力证书来提升他们的职业生涯.

View USG Nexus Degree

提供围绕一个主题组织的学习计划,并以两个学科为基础. Interdisciplinary Studies offers multiple pathways for study, including Forensic Science and Investigations, Data Science, Natural Resource Management, and Public Safety. This degree can benefit those seeking careers in federal, state, and local government as well as business and nonprofit organizations.

View BIS Program


View BS in Criminology


View Tier I Program


View Tier II Program

在线教学证书是为在非k -12环境中工作的学生设计的.e., higher education, industry, military) who wish to improve their online design and facilitation competencies.

View Online Teaching Certificate

对于GDC员工来说,这是一个获得硕士学位并有可能获得Georgia POST学分的机会.

View MPA Program

为GDC教育工作者和咨询师提供成为佐治亚州认证专业咨询师的机会. 获得该认证将使GDC护理和治疗人员具备为其监督的人群提供高质量教育和康复服务的技能.

View School Counseling Concentration

View Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration

工商管理硕士(MBA)学位为学生提供了拓展商业技能的机会, finance, management, and marketing.

View MBA Program

Credit Hours

Group of GDC cadets being sworn in.

Credit for POST Training

学生可以在乔治亚邮政培训的基础上获得证书和学位学分, BCOT training, and other training acquired during their career.  请向公民参与和公共服务部查询更多信息.



Program Benefits

Developing a more professionalized workforce improves public safety in Georgia, protects our communities, and assists in the supervision, care and treatment, educational instruction, and rehabilitation of the population correctional officers oversee.

在线博彩 Alumni Stories

Jami Sailors wearing his police uniform.

“我于2016年毕业,获得了犯罪学硕士学位,我不仅找到了一种教育,而且找到了一个由敬业的教职员工组成的社区,他们用专业知识和激情指导着我. 他们对培养成长和求知欲的承诺将我推向了新的高度. Since earning my degree, the impact on my career has been profound. Equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and valuable skills, 我充满信心地应对了职业挑战,实现了曾经梦想的里程碑."

- Jami Sailors, 2016 alum

Michael McDowell

Michael McDowell wearing a suit for a professional headshot.

Michael McDowell began his journey at the University of West Georgia in 2010. As a student, McDowell served as a student athlete, ambassador, joined dozens of clubs and community service programs, and became widely known as Mike on the Bike by the entire 在线博彩 community. 麦克道尔于2015年被卡罗尔顿警察局聘用,担任该机构的首席社区关系官员,直到2022年1月. 麦克道尔随后被卡罗尔县警长办公室聘为社区项目协调员. In addition to his public service efforts with the Sheriff's Office, 麦克道尔仍然作为一名在线兼职讲师,为在线博彩学生的成功做出了贡献, serving on the Alumni Association Board, and volunteering time as a mentor. In July 2022, 麦克道尔被美国法警局聘为美国副法警候选人,并于2023年1月被调往太平洋西北地区,在华盛顿州担任美国副法警.

Alumni Stories

Picture of Dave Ayers

Dave Ayers is a lifelong resident of the West Georgia. Dave began working as a correctional officer in 2001. 在这段时间里,他在军衔中不断晋升,并试图担任顾问一职. In 2008, Dave completed his B.S. in criminology. Dave then enrolled in the criminology Masters program and completed it in 2011.

By this time Dave had a decade of experience working in the prison system. 戴夫拥有独特的教育学位和该领域的经验. 这所大学认可了这一组合,并为戴夫提供了进入学术界的机会. Dave earned his Ph.D. from Kennesaw State University in 2019. Since moving to academia, 戴夫把大部分时间都花在开发项目和课程上,为学生提供基于体验式学习的教育. In addition, 戴夫在发展在线博彩和公共安全组织之间的伙伴关系方面发挥了至关重要的作用.

Contact Information


Dr. Dave Ayers
Location: Pafford 221

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